If all you listen to is the MSM, Pres. Sec, etc, all you get are lies.
Do you really know what Depression is? We were told transition, then recession, shipping snafus. Covid, Lockdowns, I don’t know, It’s not my job. I don’t know what Pronoun you want to be called. That is a real limited subject, she, he, him, her. If you want something else put it on your Name Tag for me to read.
A Depression means food, a job, essentials like a home, water, electricity, fuel for your car, to transport your food. Or your medicines. This country was founded as a Republic, not a democracy. We get to choose who will be in control, sometimes we choose badly. The US Constitution is clear. Those Powers Not Delegated to the Federal Government, are reserved for the States, thus to the People of that State. That is the essence of the 10th Amendment. The Federal Government has forgotten that, established agencies that are not in the Constitution. The Department of Education is just one of them. It is up to each State to choose its form of education, by the will of the Voters of that State. The same goes for many other things. Car driving, working, Pro-Life or not. It is not the Fed’s area to judge. The same goes for Vaccines your child needs for public school. If they get free meals because they are low-income, free medical care. The President can’t rule like a Dictator with Executive Orders, those are reserved for Emergencies. He can’t order the States to adopt LBGTQ education. Nor when YOUR child can be exposed to Pornography, in the guise of an educational book. Or begin a transition to a different-sex they were not Born, get their genitals mutilated, or given hormones that is contrary to good medical advice. That is YOUR CHOICE, once they become 18, which is considered an adult, but for a few things, like signing binding legal contracts.
Each State has its own State Constitution, that the Governor and legislators must follow, it can be changed by the will of the people. 22 states have Heartbeat laws, and 1 state Texas banned Abortion, I would hope they allowed for Tubular pregnancies, and if the baby dies in the womb, and trying to induce labor fails. Because like any mammal, the baby will rot and decompose, causing Sepsis in the mother, which can kill her.
But that is not addressing the decline in living conditions in America. There are Food shortages, such as the Baby Formula, 15,000 we can all agree it is an essential product, but it seems FDA inspectors are only required to inspect the plant every 3-5 years, but in this case, from January 2020 to Nov 2021 no inspections were required as Essential. Janitors, plant maintenance wasn’t essential. Recall after the recall of food products for E-Coli, Listeria. Then we learn Wisconsin has 2 stores, 2 products that have no child safety caps, WRONG, the entire Nation has this issue and it’s not just in the Health asile. It includes Adult Supplements, Meletonion was the first the CDC squawked about, seems for the last decade at least it has been used by the people like PreK, Daycare, or Kindergarten teachers have been using it before nap time. A decade of arrest, sick children, and 2 dead ones. Adult Gummy Bear products look nor taste different than the candy you give your child. There is a difference, adult products are based on their average size, and weight, not a 2-6-year-olds. Vitamin C at 500 mg can send an unknown Type 1 Diabetic child into Hyperglamicia, Calcium, Magnesium is considered bone supplements along with D3. The trouble is they are also HEART REGULATORS.
Then you have the ‘cleaning’ aisle, most products do not have child-proof caps. Remember the term Pop a Top, that 5 cups of coffee energy drinks is unsafe for a child. Bleach, Ammonia just have a paper seal. That powdered scrub hasn’t changed the pull tab since my baby brother was licking the top of the Comet can mom kept under the sink. That would be 60+ years ago. Toilet bowl cleaner is safe. Nor is your kitchen safe, it has knives, and a hot pot of water, that can be pulled over onto a child. Or the stove turned on and left on. This brings me to Laundry Pods, another bright-colored attraction children will try and eat. TicToc is dangerous it teaches your child they can do dangerous things, many have died, yet a wrong post on FB will get you banned before any government agency does a Flipping thing about the content of TixToc.
Remember YOU are in charge, not the government. If the 160 pedophiles were arrested at the FL. Disneyland. Governor Desantis revoked their special governing and tax status, it offended him so much. If Disneyland bothers you, boycott it. If their Pro LBGTQ movies offend you don’t go. Don’t buy their products. The fastest way to send an objection message is to gut their profits. It’s your money. I value my grands more than Disney’s embrasure of a Perversion that scars children for life.
Kroger is going to pull 3 non childproof cap products, but as I said there are more than just pain meds or supplements. An this is a Nationwide issue, I suggest you contact your Congresscritters and demand action. These are your Children who could be harmed or your grand children. I know I cursed the first batch, but I'm older and wiser now, and can get Hubby to open what I can't. Plus I have a Strap adjustable soft wrench I hocked out of his tool box.
The People NEVER delegated authority. So ALL law are VOID at initio.
ALSO all federal laws ONLY apply on FEDERAL LAND.
The Federal Government HAS NOT AUTHORITY over the people of the free and independent States.
This is long but NEEDED to be read, and UNDERSTOOOD.
American Organics Laws
Page 15 of PDF gives and intro and explain the source of this report
Maxims of Law - Charles Weisman
Bill of Rights of All 50 States Constitution are for ALL the people.
READ THEM, all 50 all them.
Notice To Jim Jordan and The Supreme Court Regarding Where the CDC Was
Granted Power to Vote on Anything Affecting We, The People